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Real Korean Hair Salon
Our Services
女士剪髮: 八字瀏海, 淺粉色系, 一刀切, 短髮層次剪, 高層次剪髮型, 長層次剪, Hush Cut, Hug Cut, 流蘇短髮,減齡層次剪髮型,姬髮式
電髮: 直髮, 護髮療程, 層次燙髮, 嬉皮燙, 豐盈負離子, 韓式水潤電髮, S型外翻捲, 層次人魚捲髮型, 公主切更顯瘦, 層次外翹燙髮型, C字燙, S字燙
Women's Hair
男士剪髮: Dandy, Regent, IVY League Cut, Leaf Cut, See-through Dandy, 逗號髮型, Swat Cut, Fillers cut, Pommade Cut/
男士電髮: AS perm, Shadow Perm, Down Perm, 紋理燙, 自然捲, 羊毛捲, 微濕中分油頭, 韓國燙髮, 狼尾空氣燙, Spin Swallow, Baby Perm, 如何配襯All Back髮型, Garma Perm
Men's Hair
Dr. Morak, No.1 "Korean Customer Satisfaction" Brand has been launched in all our branches!
Scalp Care
Daily, Special, and Wedding Makeup
by Korean Makeup artists who have more than 8 years of experience in Seoul/Jeju show biz entertainment industry.
Make-up & Semi-permanent Make-up
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